domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

Passive voice

Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known


1. Jose sold the cars

Passive voice:  The cars were sold by Jose

2. He lose his phone
Passive voice: The phone was lost by him

3. Racir fixed the computer

Passive voice: The computer was fixed by Racir

4. Maria cooked the dinner

Passive voice: The dinner was cooked by Maria

5. I cut the meat

Passive voice: The meat is cut by me

6. Ana spoke a language with her sister

Passive voice: A language is spoken by Ana

7. I played to build houses

Passive voice: Build houses were played by me

8. She read a book every night

Passive voice:  A book is read by her every night.

9. Sharon sleep the baby every day

Passive voice: The baby is asleep by Sharon every day

10. Carlos wrote a letter to his father

Passive voice: The letter was written by Carlos for his father

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